Momentum Multiply points for income tax return


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Submitting your income tax return just become more fun and beneficial to you.

By submitting your personal income tax return with us, you can earn Momentum Multiply points.  The points or financial health score received will assist you in reaching your financial goals with Momentum Multiply.


Once we have done your income tax return, we will complete and sign the Declaration of tax submission form from Momentum Multiply, and you will be able to submit to receive your additional health score.



Who may earn points?

-    Salary Earners

-    Commission earners

-    Business owners trading as a Sole proprietor

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Benefits of using our services and tax consultants:


-    Receive personal expert service

-    We understand that individuals want to submit their personal income tax return as quickly as possible for their income tax refunds

-    Experience of almost two decades

-    No waiting in SARS lines

-    Increase Momentum Multiply financial health score

-    Maximum legally possible SARS refund



Feel free to contact us today for your personal income tax return

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